Why Choose Us?

I offer coaching for Women in Motion and Women with Epilepsy. 

I have new programs coming out in July or sooner. 

This 49.00 coupon will be good for 2 individual classes. Classes will be very well priced. 

I also am open to offering a FREE discovery call with you to see how I can best serve you. http://www.liznicholls.com/discovery-session-signup.html 

The coupon can possibly be used for other coaching options I offer. www.liznicholls.com 

Thank you for your support!!! 


604 788 9174

***Please note:  My offer above does not apply to this product below  and the reason is:

We  also have a Women's Business Group that offers really well priced courses to help you with your business. These were designed for what is happening around us at this time. 

It is priced at a massive discount for you ...to see more please go to @ https://www.startuptosuccessmc.com/sts-marketing-academy-ln.html 

Thank you again for your support




About Us

Liz Nicholls

Coaching for Women in Motion & Women with Epilepsy.

These times are tough for a lot of people in a lot of different ways as we know. I am launching some very empowering Group Coaching Sessions that could help you review different areas of your life. The goal is to help empower you and to help you transform your life in forward motion. We can set up a call first to find out what best suites you ….www.liznicholls.com



123 Main Street Sooke BC V9Z 1L4